Cast and Crew
Lindsey Covarrubias, Jan Damm, Nick Harden, Wendy Harden, Wes Hatfield, Blake Hicks, Nata Ibragimov, Kevin Rogers, Windu Sayles, Lauren Stark, Chase Culp, Willem McGowan, Owen Sanchez, Dillon Vance, Holland Lohse, Gaz Hopkins
Janeen Johnson, Rachel Lantow, Anthony Powers, Leonardo Hidalgo, Joe D’Emilio
Creative team
Producers: Chris and Aida Lashua
Co-Directors: Chris Lashua, Aloysia Gavre, Steven Ragatz, Sean Riley
Choreographer: Aloysia Gavre
Costume Designer: Lisa Ragatz with additional designs by Caroline Rogers
Composer: Michael Picton assisted by Bryan Rosenbaum
Dramaturge: Steven Ragatz
Lighting Designer: Anthony Powers
Scenic Designer: Sean Riley
Machine Designers: Chris Lashua , Sean Riley, and Bryan Schuette